Friday, October 21, 2011

A Day at School

         A day at school wouldn't be the same without Connor Woods.  If Connor wasn't at school the day wouldn't be as funny without him there to crack jokes.  While on the other hand, it wouldn't be as loud so it would be easier to concentrate and get my work done.
        Connor is about 5’ 1”, has brown hair, he skateboards, and surfs.  I have known Connor for about three years now and I wouldn't say that I have the best relationship with him but we are still friends and we sometimes hang out when we are both in town.  School wouldn't be the same without Connor getting in trouble and getting kicked out of class and being so disruptive all of the time.  There are good things and bad things about this.  While school is more interesting with him, it would be about ten times easier to finish work.  Although some of his jokes are mean to people, they could take it the wrong way but don't usually take it in a bad way because they know that he is the type of person that doesn't usually take or dish out anything serious.  Even though some people know that he is kidding, some don't and this sometimes leads to drama and people getting their feelings hurt.  Ever since the fourth grade, Connor has messed with of Conrad.  Sometimes he is kidding and other times he is serious.  Conrad has the ability to ignore this but sometimes doesn't choose to.  Connor and Conrad have a long history of this and have gotten in many fights because if it.  When Connor is not here, Mr. Vack never seems as grumpy and it seems like the class gets along better.
        Well, I guess that having a class clown always has its positives and negatives, but you just have to learn to work with them.  Even if Connor is very distracting, I always never seem to like school as much without him.

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