Friday, October 21, 2011

A Day at School

         A day at school wouldn't be the same without Connor Woods.  If Connor wasn't at school the day wouldn't be as funny without him there to crack jokes.  While on the other hand, it wouldn't be as loud so it would be easier to concentrate and get my work done.
        Connor is about 5’ 1”, has brown hair, he skateboards, and surfs.  I have known Connor for about three years now and I wouldn't say that I have the best relationship with him but we are still friends and we sometimes hang out when we are both in town.  School wouldn't be the same without Connor getting in trouble and getting kicked out of class and being so disruptive all of the time.  There are good things and bad things about this.  While school is more interesting with him, it would be about ten times easier to finish work.  Although some of his jokes are mean to people, they could take it the wrong way but don't usually take it in a bad way because they know that he is the type of person that doesn't usually take or dish out anything serious.  Even though some people know that he is kidding, some don't and this sometimes leads to drama and people getting their feelings hurt.  Ever since the fourth grade, Connor has messed with of Conrad.  Sometimes he is kidding and other times he is serious.  Conrad has the ability to ignore this but sometimes doesn't choose to.  Connor and Conrad have a long history of this and have gotten in many fights because if it.  When Connor is not here, Mr. Vack never seems as grumpy and it seems like the class gets along better.
        Well, I guess that having a class clown always has its positives and negatives, but you just have to learn to work with them.  Even if Connor is very distracting, I always never seem to like school as much without him.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Technology Usage

I use technology a lot.  Personally, I think that it makes life a lot easier.  I have an iPod touch, a phone, computers, TV's, play station 3, and others too.  I go on Facebook a lot, and other than that I don't use the internet very much.  I think that technology will be mostly touchscreen and we wont have to have keyboards anymore. I think that technology in 50 years will be mostly holographic and you wont even have to type because it will read your mind and type whatever you are thinking.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Burning, Steaming, Cooks the bun

Heat, Scorching, Just like the sun


Speedy, Quick, You can't catch up

Always faster than a pup


The Lonely Mouse

There once was a mouse from a house

All the while he hoped for a spouse

so he went on

and only found his mom

That poor lonely mouse from a house

Friday, May 6, 2011

Monster Poem

Monster Poem
Its wings come downward with a force like a hammer
When it dives it is like an arrow in free fall
Its beak can rip through the hardest of flesh
Its talons grab the poor rabbit or mouse like a clamp
Stabbing into its sides like blades
Never letting go
This is what it feeds its hatchlings
This is what it eats
This is how it stays alive
Wild nature at work
This is the hawk staying alive

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Simile Poem

Happiness is like a lonely goldfish that gets a friend

Bravery is standing up to a bully

Depression is likebeing in a cold dark brick wall room with no way out

Forgiveness is when you forgive the dog that got our couch muddy

Random is like a little kids scribbled drawling

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Response

         "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou.  This poem is about the differences between a free bird that his not held down or  tied up and a caged bird that is restricted on where it can go and is locked inside a cage.  I think the poet is conveying the message that even if you start out as a caged bird, you can become free at some point in you life.  There isn't really a person speaking in this poem, it is more of a narrator.
         The poet uses the elements of repetition, rhyme, imagery, and rhythm. "A bird that stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage his wings are clipped and his feet are tied" this helps convey meaning because it shows you that a caged bird isn't very happy and is very restricted on what he can do, this line also shows that the caged bird knows that there is more to life than being trapped in a cage but he doesn't know what it is.  This poem might be talking about slavery because slaves don't know how being free feels but they know it exists, and the whites know how freedom feels but they don't know how being a slave feels.

         I like the imagery and rhythm in this poem because it makes it easier to understand the poem.  i also like how the poem conveys that the free bird doesnt know how being caged feels, and the caged bird knows how it feels but it doesnt know how freedom feels. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lengston Houghes Response

     "I, Too" by Lengston Houghes is kind of a call and response to "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman except it is talking more of the dark side of america.  The poem is about how the African Americans were discriminated against in America.  the peom is conveing that all of America isnt as happy as Walt Whitman says it was because Walt doesnt say anything about the blacks being discriminated.  I thnk that it is a black person speaking on this poem.
         This poet utalizes repatition, and some imegary.  "They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes, I laugh." helps convey meaning because it is showing that people try to put the blacks down, but they just laugh.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Found Poem

I wake every morning
To a ding of a bell
The day is begining
It's off to the field to pick the cotton
Day after day
Now the season is over
We are sold away
The white people are calling out numbers
I hope my new master will be nice to me
I fear that he will not be
I am sold and taken away in chains
I become a slave master
With all the power
But i know how it feels
So i let them free 
The master finds out
  I am going to be lynched
My breathing stops
I am hanging still
This is my punishment
For disobeying the lord

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Revelation of Ships
3 / 3 / 11
“Never, in these United States, has the brain of a man conceived, or the hand of man fashioned, as perfect as a thing the clipper ship.”  Said a historian named Samuel Eliot Morison (American History Blog, website).
Ships have been used throughout history.  From modern day, back to as early as the Viking age.  But for American history, clipper ships were important.  Because after all, clipper ships revolutionized the American way of sailing.

A new type of merchant ship called clipper ships was designed in the late 1840’s.  It was named a clipper ship because the word clip literally meant to clip through something, which was just what a clipper ship would do to the water.  There were plenty of qualities that set this ship apart from other ships.  Unlike ships that were made to carry large shipments of items, these ships were created to carry small objects at high speeds for a large price.

There were usually two or three masts on a clipper ship that could be as tall as a 20 story building, and sometimes had more than 20 sails, which was more than any other vessel built at that time.  These very large sails made it possible for clipper’s to be one of the fastest ships the world had ever seen.  a clipper ship could go anywhere from 250-400 miles in a single day, which was considered many miles because an average ship at that time could only go about 150 miles on a good day.  For a clipper ship, speed was everything because the faster you could get a shipment to where it was going, the more you would get paid, which was good for the owners of the ship and the crew members.

John W. Griffiths was an American naval architect who designed the first true clipper ship.  He set out to make clipper ships to be used as blockade runners or privateers for the War of 1812.  To be considered a clipper ship, the boat would need to have a thin hull, which was usually made of wood, be very tall, have large sail poles, and giant sails.  The reason for the large sails was because clipper ships didn't have engines, so they would have to harness the wind power if they wanted to go anywhere.  They would have to have large sail poles to hold the sails when there were strong winds pushing against them.  A clipper ship would have a thin hull because they needed to clip through the water, and having a thin hull would help with that.

          At first, clipper ships were made for the same purpose as ships, to carry goods to and from China, and also for the War of 1812.  Later on, they carried prospectors and their equipment to California when gold was discovered in 1848.  Before clippers were used, this 15,000 mile trip from the East Coast, down and around Cape Horn, to California would take up to 5 months.  By the early 1850’s, with a clipper ship like the Flying Cloud, you could cut this trip to about 3 months. 

          Clipper ships set many records for their time. For example, the Sea Witch sailed from Hong Kong to New York in 74 days in 1840. In the year of 1852, the Challenger went from Japan to California in 18 days.  And in 1860, the Andrew Jackson sailed from New York to Liverpool, England, in 15 days.

          In the time of the Gold Rush, miners would pay lots of money to get a ticket on a speedy clipper.  They would pay lots of money because they wanted to get themselves and their equipment to San Francisco as possible to try to strike it rich.  Captains and owners of a speedy clipper ship would make large amounts of money because of all of the people who wanted to get a ride on their ship.  The owners and captains of the faster clipper ships would usually make more money than the miners they carried to San Francisco, California.

          Clipper ships were a big part of American sailing and trading until steam boats came along.  Steam boats were the end of most clipper ships because they could carry more goods than a clipper ship could.  But some people still use the clipper ship.

VS. Poem

Deep fried jelly donut and powder sugar VS. Whole wheat bagel, cream cheese, and carrot shavings on top

Super greasy deep fried bacon wrapped cheeseburger VS. Heaping pile of healthy salad

Steel reinforced homework VS. Unnameable paper shredder

Slimy silver skinny jeans VS. Bombproof brown baggy jeans

Sleepy Godzilla VS. Barney on steroids

Slippery slimy silver soccer balls sliding on the slick grass VS. Bouncy brown bratty basketballs banking a buzzer beater


The Morning Before School

Stepping out of the warm bed into the cold morning air
Wiping goop away from your eyes
Taking a shower
Warm fuzzy towel
Eating breakfast
Getting backpack
Putting on shoes
Walking out the door
Getting in the car
Showing up at school almost every morning